Our Path to Excellent Care
- Surgical and Chemotherapy Expertise
- Teamwork
- The Whole Patient
- Clinics in Albuquerque, Santa Fe and Gallup
Our Objective
Our goal is to support you on your journey to wellness and survivorship through our exceptional clinical expertise, cutting-edge treatments, and a multidisciplinary approach to cancer care. Our patients benefit tremendously from access to the pioneering treatments piloted at the UNM Cancer Center.
What Each Team Member Offers
Focus only on cancers of the ovaries, uterus, cervix, vagina/vulva and placenta. They use robotic and other minimally-invasive surgery methods and perform radical pelvic surgeries, too. They use chemotherapy, immune therapies and targeted therapies. They work closely with cancer genetic counselors and oncology social workers from diagnosis through survivorship. And they create and manage clinical trials locally and nationally.
Manage the dose and path of radiation that targets cancer tumors in the uterus, cervix, vulva/vagina and sometimes ovaries. They use stereotactic body radiation, stereotactic radiosurgery and intensity modulated radiation therapy.
Under the guidance of a physician, they may give medications or injections, take medical histories, perform medical exams or perform certain medical procedures.
Our gynecologic oncology team is dedicated to training the future experts in our field. We have a three-year specialty training program in gynecologic oncology — one of only 60 programs in the country. You will meet our future experts on your journey.
Our nurse navigator guides you in your treatment and serves as your regular point of contact.
Under the guidance of a physician, they may give medications or injections, take medical histories, perform medical exams or perform certain medical procedures.
Uterine Cancer Research: Route 66 SPORE
The Route 66 SPORE is a five-year, three-institution, $11.6 million grant. The NCI funds 52 Specialized Programs of Research Excellence (SPORE) in 21 states, but the Route 66 SPORE is the only one that focuses on endometrial and uterine cancer. Three major projects comprise this grant. The New Mexico project will focus on endometrial cancer prevention in Hispanic women. This grant is led by the cancer center's Uterine and Endometial Cancer Expert, Kimberly Leslie, MD.
Does Cancer Run in My Family?
Our cancer genetic counselors help you to learn about your risk of getting cancer based on your and your family’s medical history. The counseling may lead to genetic testing of you or a member of your family. UNM Cancer Center has the only licensed cancer genetic counselors in the state.
Training the Next Generation
As the only academic medical center in New Mexico, our expert attending gynecologic oncologists are involved in training the future specialists in OB/GYN and Gynecologic Oncology. We have Gynecologic Oncology fellows, resident physicians and medical students who may be involved in your care.
Meet the Gynecological Cancer Team
Many experts collaborate to offer you the best care and treatment.Learn more: In-depth from the National Cancer Institute
The content below is provided by the National Cancer Institute. Please contact the UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center at 505-272-4946 for more information.
The content below is provided by the National Cancer Institute. Please contact the UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center at 505-272-4946 for more information.
The content below is provided by the National Cancer Institute. Please contact the UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center at 505-272-4946 for more information.
Cancer Clinical Trials
Every care team at the UNM Cancer Center collaborates with our researchers to help translate recent science discoveries into the most advanced cancer care available in New Mexico. Some of these advanced treatments may be offered through clinical trials.