The CRO at UNM Cancer Center

The CRO reviews trials initiated by:
- The National Cancer Institute
- Pharmaceutical companies
- National Clinical Trial Working groups
- UNM Cancer Center investigators
The Protocol Review and Monitoring System (PRMS) uses a two-stage process to vet the clinical trials portfolio and engage the community to assess clinical trial needs. Neda Hashemi, MD, chairs the Protocol Review and Monitoring Committee.
The CRO is also working with the Translational Science core to build a program that brings UNM Cancer Center discoveries to clinical trials.
Sarah Adams, MD, is developing the new Translational Science shared resource.
The CRO works with each of the Clinical Working Groups (CWGs) to identify and prioritize clinical trials that will benefit New Mexicans most.
- Heme CWG: L. Andritsos, MD
- Breast CWG: U. Brown-Glaberman, MD
- GI/HPB CWG: U. Brown-Glaberman, MD
- Gynecologic CWG: C. Muller, MD, FACOG
- Head and Neck CWG: D.Y. Lee, MD, PhD
- Lung CWG: A. Kumar, MD
- Melanoma CWG: M. Harari-Turquie, MD and B. Fahy, MD, FACS
- Genitourinary CWG: N. Hashemi, MD
- Pediatric and AYA CWG: J. Valdez, MD, MPH
- Population Science CWG: A. Sussman, PhD, MCRP
The CRO is funded in part by the UNM Cancer Center’s Minority-Based National Community Oncology Program (NCORP) Grant.