Thank you for your time.
Principal Investigators
Shiraz I Mishra MBBS, PhD
Robert L Rhyne, MD
Research Team
Andrew L Sussman, PhD, MCRP
Richard M Hoffman MD, MPH
Tamar Ginossar, PhD
Dolores Guest, PhD, RD
Erika A Robers, MA
Tawny Wilson Boyce, MS, MPH
Executive Producer
Jeanne Gleason, EdD
Instructional Designer
Barbara Chamberlin, PhD
Studio Production Director
Pamela N Martinez
Art Direction
Adrian Aguirre
Amy Smith Muise
Design & Development
Adrian Aguirre
Kathryn-Mae Eiland
Rene Flores
Studio Support
Stan Carbine
Patricia Clark
Esther Aguirre
Pamela N Martinez
Elizabeth Sohn
Philip McVann
Seth Powers
This research used the facilities or services of the Behavioral Measurement and Population Sciences (BMPS) Shared Resource, a facility supported by the State of New Mexico and the UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center P30CA118100.
This project was supported by the National Cancer Institutes and the Cancer Center Support Grant through Grant Number 5P30CA118100.
©2016 The University of New Mexico and New Mexico State University. All Rights Reserved.

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