Flow Cytometry

The Flow Cytometry Shared Resource is committed to providing high quality flow cytometry and cell sorting services to the UNM campus and surrounding biotech community. The Flow Cytometry Shared Resource is equipped to perform the majority of standard and advanced flow cytometry applications. Collectively, these technologies provide basic, translational and clinical researchers with the ability to examine cellular heterogeneity and cell state changes in large and diverse cell populations. Additionally, the Flow Cytometry Shared Resource provides training, service, instrumentation, computational resources and additional technical guidance for all researchers who use the facility through a bi-monthly newsletter and quarterly meetings.

Curt Hines III, PhD

Faculty Director, Flow Cytometry Shared Resource
Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Fitz Hall Room 255
915 Camino De Salud NE
Albuquerque, NM 87131
Phone: 505-681-0014

Email Dr Hines

Yuanyuan Gao, PhD

Technical Director, Flow Cytometry Shared Resource

2325 Camino de Salud, CRF 217
UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center
University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center
Albuquerque, NM 87131
Phone: 505-925-0064

E-mail Dr. Gao

Cytometry Instrumentation

UNM Unassisted fee: $78/hr

Non-UNM fee: $117.78/hr

UNM Unassisted fee: $62/hr

Non-UNM fee: $93.62/hr

  • Learn more about the Cytek Aurora
  • Lasers 405nm, 488nm, 561nm 641nm
  • Three scattering channels
  • 48 fluorescence channels
  • Panel Builder

UNM Unassisted fee: $83/hr

Non-UNM fee: $125.33/hr

UNM Unassisted fee: $78/hr

Non-UNM fee: $117.78/hr

Cytometry Instrumentation

UNM Assisted Fee 
Instrument fee: $120/hr + Technical fee: $68/hr

Non-UNM fee
Instrument fee: $181.20/hr + Technical fee: $102.68/hr


UNM Unassisted fee: $80/hr

Non-UNM fee: $120/hr


Applications, Capabilities and Acknowledgment

UNM Flow Cytometry Shared Resource
MSC 08-4640 UNM CRF 217A
915 Camino De Salud
Albuquerque, NM 87131
Phone 505 925 0064

Flow cytometry can be used for the following applications and procedures:

  • Immunophenotyping
  • Cell Cycle Analysis
  • Cell Proliferation Assays
  • Enzymatic Activity
  • Cytokine characterization and quantification
  • Apoptosis induction and characterization
  • Cell metabolism
  • Intracellular Calcium Flux
  • Redox Reactions

FlowJo licences are available, please inquire about cost.

The Flow Cytometry Shared Resource has the following cell sorting capabilities:

  • Cell sorting – maximum 4 different populations
  • Single cell sort in multi well plates
  • Requires Assisted Operation

It is the policy of the Resource that all new users undergo machine specific training sessions. These training session typically consists of two different sessions with the flow core manager and a single user. Each session should be between 1 and 2 hours.

Training sessions are scheduled through iLabs. For questions regarding iLabs or for account/PR set-up for use in the shared resource, please email Palakshi Reddy Bandapalli or call 505-272-4539.

The user is responsible for providing the following for their training session.

Prepared cells @ 1x106/ml in FACS/Eppendorph tubes – Cytek Aurora training requires FACS tubes

  • Your cells should be filtered through a 50 μm filter prior to running on the cytometers 
  • Cell volume should be between 500 and 1000 μL

The following cells are required for training

  • Unstained control
  • Single stain controls – one for each fluorochrome being tested.
  • Compensation controls – beads are the preferred compensation control. If using cells, be aware that rare populations are not the best for compensation. Use antibody/fluorochromes that will give a strong positive population
  • Testing Samples

Training fees:

  • UNM Unassisted fee: $189/hr
  • Non-UNM fee: $285.39/hr

To acknowledge use of this shared resource, please include the following in your publications:

This research was partially supported by UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center Support Grant NCI P30CA118100 and the Flow Cytometry shared resource.

Other Core Equipment

  • BioTek Neo2 in the Flow Cytometry shared resourceLearn more about the BioTek Neo2
  • Hybrid multi-mode plate reader
  • Independent filter and monochromator-based optics
  • Absorption, Fluorescence, Luminescence, Fluorescence Polarization measurements

UNM Unassisted fee: $60/hr

Non-UNM fee: $90.60/hr

  • Magpix in Flow Cytometry shared resourceLearn more about the MAGPIX
  • Magnetic bead-based multi-analyte panel for biomarker quantification

UNM Unassisted fee: $78/hr

Non-UNM fee: $117.78/hr

Policies and Procedures

It is your responsibility to read and understand this information.

The UNM Flow Cytometry Shared Resource provides analytic flow cytometry and cell sorting services located in CRF 217. To allow smooth operation and fair access to the equipment for all investigators and to maintain equipment in proper working order, operational policies and procedures must be followed.

Key operational policies are described below.

Appointments for all instrument usage time must be scheduled in iLabs.

Operator assistance is required for cell sorting.

Cell sorting appointments require a minimum of 24 hours advance notice. Cell sorting billing starts when your appointment starts; billing ends when the sort ends. If your sort ends early, you are not billed for that time. 

Approved, trained users may make appointments for self-operation same day. 

Evening and weekend appointments are authorized for trained, self-operated use only.

Although calibrations and other maintenance procedures are the responsibility of the Flow Core, it is important that users properly perform the startup, shutdown, and cleaning procedures as described in the training sessions.

Proper decontamination and cleaning of the fluidics tubing and flow cell must follow each use of the cytometer.

Post-acquisition washing and cleaning procedures are considered normal run time and will be billed as part of the total appointment time.

All users must be up to date with both BSL1 and BSL2 lab safety training (included in the Research Safety Training that is mandatory for all researchers on campus).

BSL3 and Radioactive samples are not allowed in our facility under any circumstances.

Self-operators are expected to be capable of normal operations without the facility operator's assistance, including startup and shutdown, analysis, sterilization and maintenance (nozzle clogs, etc.).

If your run is taking longer than expected and will run into another user’s time, they have the right to bump you at the time their run is to start.

Last user of the day – It is the responsibility of the last user of the day to turn off the analytical instrument. If the last person of the day cannot make his/her scheduled time, he/she must inform the person before to turn off the machine. If there is no other person the last person reservation needs to come to the flow core and turn off the machine.

Reservations can be made day of use – and should be done in iLabs. Filling out the exact time of use in the notebooks by each instrument insures that charges will be for your used time on the machine

Single user training is available by appointment only, and will be performed using samples provided by the investigator.

Flow core personnel will determine when the investigator is able to self-operate.

Facility users are responsible for all data archival.

The Shared Resource facility does not have the capacity to serve as a data repository

Users should report problems at the Facility immediately to Dr. Yuanyuan Gao.

We will notify users when an instrument is down. If the instrument where you made your reservation is not working, we will do our best to assist you in collecting your data on a different instrument and will waive the assistance surcharge. 

Director Dr. Curt Hines is the final arbiter for problems that arise at the facility.