STEAM 2024 Webinars
Webinars are offered for free as a benefit of your STEAM program. In-depth instruction is provided on significant topics relevant to success in academic and career development in oncology research. They provide opportunities to expand your circle in the STEAM program: to meet and interact with PIs, TCs and other Scholars online.
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NMSU Webinars require prior registration to attend.
Use this online form to register for each NMSU Webinar in advance.
Watch STEAM Webinars
STEAM Network Program Overview
Dr. Dolores Guest provides an overview of the STEAM program, highlights the achievements in 2024, and shares the exciting plans for 2025.
SACNAS Overview and 2024 AACR
Benefits of SACNAS and Experiences from the 2024 AACR Conference
Daniela Bernal, director of member services, provides an overview of the SACNAS, how to start/join a SACNAS chapter, as well as attending the NDiSTEM conference in 2025. Ana Mentado, ACCEL scholar and MPH graduate student at SDSU, shares her experience at the 2024 Science of Cancer Health Disparities American Cancer Association for Cancer Research (AACR) conference.
Watch STEAM Webinars
Impacting the Future Generation by Ensuring Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Dr. Tae Seok Moon discusses how solving many global problems relies on inspiring young researchers and future leaders. He discusses the progress of activities for developing the biotechnology workforce, democratizing biotechnology, and enhancing diversity, inclusion, and equity in engineering biology and biotechnology.
Diversifying Your Research: When Opportunities Find You
Dr. Kristin Gosselink shares the rewards and challenges of adapting your research efforts over time and how being open to new opportunities and collaborations can have significant benefits in terms of career satisfaction and success.
Women in Research & Leadership Roles: Challenges & Successes
Dr. Angela Wandinger-Ness shares her personal experiences on navigating a career in science as a woman as well as tips for pursuing success in the field of cancer research.
CVs, Resumes and Cover Letters
Dr. Karen Peterson shares strategies for CVs/Resumes and Cover Letters for Academe and Industry.
Negotiating a Position Offer: Academia or Industry
Dr. Karen Peterson shares negotiating skills during job offers in industry and academe using an interactive negotiation simulation.
Watch STEAM Webinars
How do research mentors and teams create positive research environments?
Dr. Alison Antes discusses the key features of positive research environments, as well as the practices and behaviors that contribute to their formation and maintenance.
STEAM: Cancer Control Priorities in Arizona, Navajo Nation and New Mexico
Ms. Pinkerton shares an overview of the National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program and the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program, both funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). She also shares information about cancer control areas of focus in Arizona, Navajo Nation, and New Mexico.
American Cancer Society priorities and funding opportunities for New Mexico
Ms. Rachel Davis shares knowledge of the overall structure of programs and services of the American Cancer Society. This includes grant opportunities for prevention and screening, lodging and transportation, patient navigation, research grants, and all other patient support programs.
Fostering Academic-Community Research Partnerships
Dr. Andrew Sussman discusses community engagement in research and dissemination. His discussion focused on providing an overview of general benefits, opportunities, and approaches to foster academic and community research partnerships.
Working with Native American Populations in Cancer Health Disparity Research
Dr. Jani Ingram discusses community engagement in research and dissemination. Her discussion focused on cancer disparities in American Indian and Alaskan Native populations and appropriate culturally sensitive approaches.