Empowering Young Minds:
Exploring Cancer and STEM Pathways 

Empowering Young Minds offers free, biannual, health-focused conferences for middle school students.

Empowering Young Minds: Exploring Cancer and STEM Pathways (EYM) events are free, biannual conferences for middle school students focused on STEM-health. These conferences include a variety of cancer and cancer-related workshops in which UNM faculty and research scientists create hands-on, project-based learning environments for students to explore nutrition, anatomy and physiology, chemistry, neurology, and more. EYM conferences are held in various rural communities around New Mexico and are partially funded by National Cancer Institute grants.

Image - Student asking a question
  • Open to all Middle School students, grades 7-8
  • Free registration
  • Free lunch and t-shirt provided
  • Keynote addresses from scientists
  • Hands-on workshops
  • Health Fair and Raffle

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Image: Director and CEO, Dr. Sanchez, speaking at a stem conference
Image: Student at a hands-on STEM workshop with a science creation on her head - she is laughing