UNMH Chief of Staff

The organized medical staff is a legal entity with its own existence, bylaws, powers, privileges and responsibilities.


The medical staff organization has two major purposes:

  • To establish mechanisms for controlling the quality of care rendered by medical staff members and other practitioners granted clinical privileges

  • To provide a structure whereby practitioners have input into decision making within the institution.

Medical Staff Governance Structure (PDF)

Past Chief of Staffs (PDF)

Joanna R. Fair
Joanna R. Fair, MD, PhD

Contact Dr. Fair

Joanna R. Fair, MD, PhD
Interim Executive Vice Chair and Chief of Nuclear Medicine, Radiology
Chief of Staff, UNM Hospitals and Clinics

Term of Appointment: January 2025 – December 2026
Email: UNMH-ChiefofStaff@salud.unm.edu

UNMH Chief of Staff (CoS)
1 University of New Mexico
MSC 08 4620
Albuquerque, NM 87131