Specialty Clinics
Get exceptional care for adults with complex health needs. At UNM Health, adults with developmental, physical and neurological disabilities get compassionate, life-long care from specially trained providers.
Visit one of our specialty clinics throughout Albuquerque for consultations, evaluations, care or treatment.
Expert Care for Patients with Disabilities
- Cerebral Palsy
- Angelman Syndrome
- Epilepsy
- Fragile X
- Spina Bifida
- Mental Illness
- Tourette Syndrome
- Tuberous Sclerosis
Make an Appointment
Schedule a visit with a UNM provider for a consultation.
Our Clinics
Patients with cerebral palsy (CP) often benefit from a comprehensive approach to medical care that is sensitive to changing needs with age. The adult CP clinic uses a team approach to support patients and their families over the life span.
The adult CP team can offer comprehensive evaluations that may include psychosocial assessments, neurological examinations, attention to medical issues (including sexuality and women's health issues) and referrals, if necessary.
The Adult CP Clinic is held every third Thursday of the month, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at 2350 Alamo Avenue SE, Suite 160, Albuquerque, NM 87106.
The ketogenic diet program is for patients on the ketogenic diet who have intractable epilepsy or seizure disorder.
The clinic is held at Continuum of Care—2350 Alamo Ave Albuquerque, NM 87106, Suite 16—once a month. Patients must be evaluated before being scheduled in the clinic.
Call 505-925-2383 to schedule an appointment or for concerns regarding the diet.
UNM Health operates several neurology clinics throughout New Mexico.
The Neurology Consultation Clinic is a weekly clinic for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities. This clinic specializes in seizure disorders, headaches and dementia evaluation. Call 505-925-2378 to make an appointment.
Visit the Adult Neurology/Vagal Nerve Stimulator in Roswell or the Adult Neurology Clinic in Clovis for treatment of seizure disorders or developmental disabilities. The Roswell clinic is held every other month at the Eastern New Mexico Family Medicine Residency Center in Roswell, NM.
For an appointment, call 505-925-2383 (Roswell) or 505-925-2386 (Clovis).
We offer an adult special needs clinic in both Albuquerque and in Valencia County.
The Albuquerque clinic specializes in complex situations which require diagnostic clarification, addressing medical care questions or assistance with support systems. Patients must complete an intake over the phone or in person before being scheduled in the clinic. This clinic is offered twice a month at the UNM Family Practice Building.
The Adult Special Needs Clinic in Valencia County is a quarterly offering to assist primary care physicians treating adults with developmental disabilities. Patients must be evaluated before attending the clinic.
Call 505-925-2383 for information about the Valencia clinic.
DDMI clinics are held on a recurring basis in Roswell, Shiprock, Taos, Silver City and Las Cruces. They are available for those who have co-occurring developmental disabilities and mental illnesses.
Please call either 505-925-2350 to learn more about the clinic model. Developmental Disabilities Supports Division regional nurses and regional behavior support consultants are also involved in making recommendations for participation at these clinical sites.
The NM SAFE Program (Supports and Assessment for Feeding and Eating) evaluates feeding abilities in children and adults with developmental disabilities. The SAFE team includes a registered dietitian, physical therapist, physician and speech pathologist with expertise in swallowing disorders.
Evaluations are available at the Albuquerque clinic or at selected community-based sites. We also use interactive videoconferencing through the telemedicine network.
An evaluation includes:
Creation of an individualized mealtime program
Education of patients and their caregivers on proper eating and positioning techniques
Observation and assessment of:
Need for adaptive positioning or specialized eating equipment
Oral motor skills
Self-feeding ability
If needed, we can provide assistive eating utensils. We will create an instructional video for you to take home too.
The NM SAFE Program is a state-wide initiative to help you and your loved one identify community resources for treatment, adaptive equipment and follow-up care. The program provides technical assistance, consultation and continuing education for professionals and students involved in feeding individuals with developmental disabilities.
For further information about the program or to schedule a SAFE evaluation, call 505-272-3167.