Alfonso Belmonte, MD | Albuquerque, New Mexico
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My parents immigrated to this country as young adults searching for a better life. Their story, their experiences, their love for me and my siblings are one of the biggest driving forces behind my career. I have early recollections of going to the doctor frequently for shortness of breath. My mother knew that my frequent cough and wheeze were more than just a virus. She would plead in Spanish first, the physicians we encountered used their limited Spanish, the end result inaccurate patient histories. For years this went on. As I grew and as my English improved my physicians could more reliably use my own account of my symptoms, ultimately leading to a diagnosis of Asthma when I was in middle school. It was not until I was in medical school that I realized that I had been suffering from asthma for years before my formal diagnosis. These experiences have informed
my clinical, teaching, and mentorship interest and activities. They are all deeply rooted in a simple truth: all children have a right to scientifically sound, equitable, and, culturally sensitive medical care.


Medical School
University of New Mexico

Phoenix Children's Hospital

American Board of Pediatrics

