Other Disability Programs | Center for Development & Disability | UNM Health System | Albuquerque, New Mexico

Find resources, services and tip sheets for yourself or a person in your life who has disabilities. CDD serves, educates and advocates for families and caregivers across New Mexico.

More Disability & Development Programs

Individuals with disabilities, their families and their caregivers can access a wide range of services, programs and resources through the UNM Center for Development and Disabilities.

CDD provides family-centered care and resources for New Mexican children who rely on medical technology for daily living, including kids with cerebral palsy and dual sensory impairment. We support independence through self-directed development and disability programs.

As the state's center of excellence in development and disability support, we provide ongoing training and resources for professionals who care for people with disabilities. See what the CDD can offer you. Explore our programs today.

97% satisfaction rate for medically fragile case management services
887 families served through CDD family training programs
25,000+ professionals trained at CDD