What to Pack in Your Delivery Day Go-Bag
Your baby won’t wait for you to pack your delivery go-bag when you into labor. There are items you must have, you’ll wish you had and you’ll wish you’d skipped.
Going into labor can be exciting, and it can be stressful. Being prepared can help decrease your level of stress. Packing a hospital go-bag is essential to help you feel confident and ready for the big day.
The items you pack in your go-bag will vary depending on your personal preferences. You’ll most likely be away from home at least a day or two, so you need to be prepared.
It’s important to start packing a month or two before your due date, if possible. That may sound early, but only one in 20 women give birth on their due date. Pack while you still have the luxury of time, and if your baby comes early, you’ll be ready to travel to the hospital.
However, sometimes emergencies pop up and you may only have time to grab essentials. So, we’ve put together two lists to help you gather what you need—for you and the baby—if you’re In Labor Now or Planning Ahead.
In Labor Now!
Items for You:
- Insurance card
- Driver’s license or ID
- Birth plan
- Glasses or contacts and contact solution (if needed)
- List of your medications and allergies
- Medications you currently take
- Cell phone and charger
- Credit card or small amount of cash
- Comfortable clothes to wear after you give birth, such as comfy underwear, sweatpants with a loose waist and a soft robe for the hospital stay and ride home
- Nursing bra if you plan to breastfeed
Items for Baby:
- Car seat: You must have a car seat to leave the hospital.
- Outfit for the baby to wear home: Onesie, socks, knit hat and mittens (if it’s cold outside)
- Blanket/swaddling clothes
- Pediatrician’s contact information
Planning Ahead
- Insurance card
- Driver’s license or ID
- Insurance card, ID, and birth plan
- Medications you currently take
- Glasses or contacts and contact solution (if you wear them)
- List of your medications and anything you are allergic to
- Cell phone and the longest phone charger you own.
- Credit card or small amount of cash
- Comfortable clothes to wear after you give birth, such as comfy underwear, sweatpants with a loose waist and a soft robe for the hospital stay and ride home
- Nursing bra if you plan to breastfeed
- Socks and slippers with a non-skid backing (the hospital can provide these)
- Flip flops, if it makes you more comfortable when showering
- Toiletries such as:
- Travel shampoo/conditioner
- Body and face washes
- Lotion
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- Deodorant
- Hairbrush and hair ties
- Lip balm
- Makeup (if you want it)
- Reusable water bottle
- Snacks
- Music player and playlist if you want to listen to certain songs during labor
- Entertainment items, such as a book or game
- Pillow or blanket from home, if desired
- Eye mask if you have trouble sleeping
- Car seat: You must have a car seat to leave the hospital.
- Outfit for the baby to wear home: Onesie, socks, knit hat and mittens (if it’s cold outside)
- Blanket/swaddling clothes
- Pediatrician’s contact information
- Baby book, if desired, for baby’s footprints and to record memories
- Medications they currently take
- Glasses or contacts and contact solution (if you wear them)
- Cell phone and charger
- Credit card or small amount of cash
- Entertainment items, such as a book or game
- Comfortable clothing and shoes
- Pillow or blanket from home, if desired
- Reusable water bottle
- Snacks
Items to Leave at Home
Just like packing for vacation, you might have a tendency to pack too much. However, you’ll be coming home with a brand new baby and potentially a lot of supplies. So, it’s best to pack light.
Consider leaving the following extras at home:
- Expensive items: anything you are worried about losing (i.e., jewelry, laptop/tablet, a large amount of cash)—though the hospital is safe and secure, accidents or incidents can happen
- Diapers and wipes: the hospital provides these during your stay, and we can send some along for your drive home
- Dress clothes
- Lots of food and drinks
- More than a couple cute baby outfits
- Small children not accompanied by another adult
Certain items are not allowed on hospital property, for patients or visitors. Some of these include illegal drugs; tobacco products; alcohol; weapons; pets that are not approved service animals. You, your partner and/or support person and any visitors must follow all safety rules and regulations. See our Visitor Guidelines for more information.
A Few More Suggestions
Once your bag is packed, store it somewhere that’s convenient to grab-and-go, such as near your front door or in the trunk of your car.
Though these lists focus on the most important items you’ll need, there may be additional items you want or need. Take time before your due date to jot down any preferred items that aren’t on this list that you want to include in your childbirth experience.
Not sure if a desired item is allowed at the hospital? Give us a call—we’re happy to answer your questions.