Refer a Gastroenterology Patient to UNM Health

Based on the Society of Gastroenterology Nursing and Associates and American Society for Gastrointestinal
Acute upper and lower GI bleeding Endoscopy guidelines, the following conditions are considered urgent. Endoscopic diagnostics ordered to diagnose and treat these conditions will be fast tracked:
- Significant GI bleeding
- Dysphagia significantly impacting oral intake
- Cholangitis or impending cholangitis
- Symptomatic/infected pseudocyst drainage
- Diagnosis and staging of GI cancers and endoscopic palliation of GI cancers
External providers can contact the PALS line at 272-2000 to speak to the gastroenterologist on call regarding patients that need to be seen emergently.
How to refer a patient
If your patient has several medical issues, or for insurance purposes, a consultation with one of our GI providers may be required prior to scheduling any procedure. An initial consultation will allow a specialist to evaluate symptoms. As part of that consultation, the gastroenterologist may request additional lab tests, xrays or other imaging, or endoscopic exams to help diagnosis and to develop a treatment plan. All referrals received requesting advanced procedures are reviewed by one of our GI specialist prior to scheduling. We ask that referring providers allow 5 working days for a referral to be reviewed and scheduled. Our staff will notify the referring provider of the disposition every step of the way. When sending a referral to UNMH GI, please include the following:
- Endoscopy Intake Sheet
- Any supporting clinical documentation detailing the GI issue that needs to be addressed
- office visit notes
- any recent lab work done within last 30 days
- reports from any previous diagnostics
- Patient demographics
- address
- phone number
- email (if applicable)
- Patient insurance information
- name of payor
- name of guarantor
- policy number
- group number
- Patient NOK/emergency contact
- Referring provider information
- address
- phone number
- fax number
- NPI number
All referrals must be signed by the requesting physician.